Recommended Frequency

Most experts agree that furnace cleaning should be performed at least once every two years, and as often as every year for some households, including those with multiple residents, pets, and family members with allergies or asthma. Regular furnace cleaning improves the efficiency of your heating system and helps to maintain indoor air quality. In addition to having your furnace cleaned regularly by one of our technicians, you should clean or replace your furnace filterat least every 3 months.

 The Process

The technician will use high-pressured air and a vacuum to clean all major parts of the unit and heating elements (heat exchanger, combustion chamber, burners, jets, pilot light, blower motor, and filter), eliminating scale buildup and thus preventing the unit from becoming clogged. This process increases efficiency and helps to extend the life of your furnace. As opposed to air duct cleaning, furnace cleaning focuses on the individual components of the furnace itself, not the associated ductwork.